Medicaid Planning

People turning 65 years old today have a 70% chance of going to a nursing home or assisted living facility. 20% of those who go will be there for at least 5 years. The average cost for assisted living is $60,000 per year; nursing homes average over $100,000 per year. Planning for care in assisted living or a nursing home doesn’t mean having to lose your life’s savings, your house or farm, or having to disinherit your children. Our team can put you in a position to qualify for Medicaid to pay assisted living and nursing home costs AND protect your property so you can leave it to your loved ones. You shouldn’t have to lose everything to age in America.

Our team of Medicaid Planning attorneys, paralegals, and legal assistants have over 40 years of combined experience advising clients how to plan for their elder years, and particularly how to access the benefits that they are entitled to. We will develop a comprehensive strategy for your estate to qualify you for Medicaid benefits, apply for your benefits if / when you need them, administer your estate when you pass away, and advise on the administration and distribution of your trust so that your wishes are honored. Our team is committed to be there, start to finish.

It is never too early, or too late, to plan for your future and for your family’s future. Contact us today.

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